This is a WIP!

Goals for this place

This place will be used to indulge in my current interest and document past ones. There will be 3 main parts. Live blogging and reviews(books, games, shows)/language studying/and a personal journal of stuff i think is interesting. idk i just got a lot to say. I am very new to coding so lets hope i dont give up lol

「哭いた閃光が目に刺さる お別かれの鐘が鳴る 神が成した歴史の 結ぶ答えは砂の味がする 死んだ変数で繰り返す 数え事が孕んだ熱 誰かの澄んだ瞳の 色をした星に問いかけている」go listen to 熱異常 until then (ΦωΦσ)σ